More about DMC . . .
Need to know more about NAG Data Mining and Cleaning Components? Click on one of the following links or contact us to discuss your needs. Data Mining Components DocumentationUnderpinning the quality of all NAG software is our renowned and comprehensive documentation. NAG's Data Mining and Clean Components software is accompanied by thorough documentation, giving you the detailed information you need to help you carry out your work quickly and efficiently. Available documentation includes: Essential Introduction ( 152K) This document describes information fundamental to the successful use of the NAG DMC. It begins with a description of the product and accompanying documentation, describes key issues regarding product use and gives details of NAG’s support facilities. Users' Guide ( 177K) This document provides a guide to the functionality available in the NAG DMC. For convenience and clarity, the documentation is divided into sections based on a need to accomplish analytical tasks. The Installer's Note is essential reading for the NAG Site Contact responsible for installation and maintenance of the product. The Users' Note is essential reading for every user of the product. It provides implementation-specific detail that augments the information provided in the NAG product documentation.
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